Cash flow forecasting and budgeting

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Finding you areas for growth

To create accurate cash flow forecasts or budget plans, more than math alone is required. So, with Durrani & Co, your cash flow forecasts and budgets will be handled by a chartered accountant with real-world financial experience.

We provide the following core services for cash flow forecasts and budgets:

  • Building cash flow forecasts and models for analysis and funding purposes
  • Providing impairment reviews and critically evaluating cash flow, profit & loss forecasts and underlying assumptions to assess the ability to continue as a going concern
  • Conducting sensitivity analysis and ‘worst case scenario’ analysis

Ready to give us a go?

Cash flow forecasting and budgeting gives any business a stable foundation on which to build a secure and reliable business model for the future.

As easy as 1-2-3


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Talk to one of our expert advisers at a time that fits around your business.


If it feels as if we are the firm for you we will make it official and get you signed up.